lunes, 20 de marzo de 2017

Walt Whitman - No te detengas

No dejes que termine el día sin haber crecido un poco,
sin haber sido feliz, sin haber aumentado tus sueños.
No te dejes vencer por el desaliento.
No permitas que nadie te quite el derecho a expresarte,
que es casi un deber.
No abandones las ansias de hacer de tu vida algo extraordinario.
No dejes de creer que las palabras y las poesías
sí pueden cambiar el mundo.
Pase lo que pase nuestra esencia está intacta.
Somos seres llenos de pasión.
La vida es desierto y oasis.
Nos derriba, nos lastima,
nos enseña,
nos convierte en protagonistas
de nuestra propia historia.
Aunque el viento sople en contra,
la poderosa obra continúa:
Tu puedes aportar una estrofa.
No dejes nunca de soñar,
porque en sueños es libre el hombre.
No caigas en el peor de los errores:
el silencio.
La mayoría vive en un silencio espantoso.
No te resignes.
“Emito mis alaridos por los techos de este mundo”,
dice el poeta.
Valora la belleza de las cosas simples.
Se puede hacer bella poesía sobre pequeñas cosas,
pero no podemos remar en contra de nosotros mismos.
Eso transforma la vida en un infierno.
Disfruta del pánico que te provoca
tener la vida por delante.
Vívela intensamente,
sin mediocridad.
Piensa que en ti está el futuro
y encara la tarea con orgullo y sin miedo.
Aprende de quienes puedan enseñarte.
Las experiencias de quienes nos precedieron
de nuestros “poetas muertos”,
te ayudan a caminar por la vida
La sociedad de hoy somos nosotros:
Los “poetas vivos”.
No permitas que la vida te pase a ti sin que la vivas.
Un poema de Walt Whitman

Scarlet B1 Listening activity

       Scarlett is twelve years old and is trying to understand the world around her. She asks questions about everything, all the time. She also says that she already knows five languages…

Agree and Disagree

Let's agree to disagree

Presentation (slideshare)

Give your opoinion about the following statements

Topics for discussion

How to agree and disagree. Listen to the podcast

Our opinions (pdf)      Four corners (pdf)    Do you agree...(issuu)      Agree and Disagree

martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

International day of women


Some materials for this celebration:

Canción "Manos de mujeres"-Marta Gómez ❀❀❀

lunes, 6 de marzo de 2017

Dead Celebrity - Messiah

Subtitles.  Translation in Spanish.


Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I'm the messiah, I'm anti-celebrity,
I'm anti-war like John Lennon in the seventies.
Dead celeb's the movement, you're the students.
It's time to change the world kids.
Here's the blueprint.
Something smells like teen spirit,
Like the ghost of Kurt Kobain wrote these lyrics,
And forced America to listen,
With a million angry misfits screaming "fuck the system! ".
I'm the pain in Axle Rose's diary.
That's why an Appetite for Destruction lives inside of me.
I'm not your typical lyricist.
Acting gangster and selling out appearances.
They need to take a musicology class,
So thank God the prince has finally come back.
To save us from the whack water at El Creek's s sideshow.
I'm the anti-American teen Idol.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I'm like the hands of Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon,
Changing music into a different person.
I took it's face and changed it, replaced it,
Surgically, verbally gave it a face-lift.
And what's this new shit we callin' Blood Music,
For Dead Celeb fans who can relate to it.
-And now.
So let the games begin.
You either turn with the world, or you watch it spin.
If your dreams were stolen by a liar,
Then steal it back, like your name was "Winona Ryder".
Don't be afraid, be stronger divide and conquer.
Come out swinging like "Ozzfest" concerts.
Time's up, I'm calling you to rise up.
No more walking blind with eyes shut.
Find the message hidden in these chapters.
Like Black Sabbath records playing backwards.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I fight for this like it's a violent game.
I'm in between Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne.
I'm the magic in the hands of David Blaine.
Spit so much blood, I leave this microphone stained.
Along came a spider spinning webs of hated.
Welcome to the wonderful world of entertainment,
Where stars are born and celebrities tell lies.
The revolution will now be televised.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at,
Fuck you.

I'm the anti-American teen Idol.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I'm like the hands of Michael Jackson's plastic surgeon,
Changing music into a different person.
I took it's face and changed it, replaced it,
Surgically, verbally gave it a face-lift.
And what's this new shit we callin' Blood Music,
For Dead Celeb fans who can relate to it.
-And now.
So let the games begin.
You either turn with the world, or you watch it spin.
If your dreams were stolen by a liar,
Then steal it back, like your name was "Winona Ryder".
Don't be afraid, be stronger divide and conquer.
Come out swinging like "Ozzfest" concerts.
Time's up, I'm calling you to rise up.
No more walking blind with eyes shut.
Find the message hidden in these chapters.
Like Black Sabbath records playing backwards.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I fight for this like it's a violent game.
I'm in between Grand Theft Auto and Max Payne.
I'm the magic in the hands of David Blaine.
Spit so much blood, I leave this microphone stained.
Along came a spider spinning webs of hated.
Welcome to the wonderful world of entertainment,
Where stars are born and celebrities tell lies.
The revolution will now be televised.

Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
Move out the way when I'm passing through.
I got heads to the front and the back of you.
I got the world in my hands you can have it, too.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.

I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at you.
I got two middle fingers and they're pointing at,
Fuck you.

Blueprint- proyecto original      misfit- inadaptado     pass through- cruzar, pasar
sideshow- barraca de feria, circo

One Republic - Counting Stars

Lesson plans:    A     B      C                 Game:  A

Subtitles English/Spanish

Cover by Leroy Sánchez

Opinion essay

British Council practice                                   Opinion essay explanation for FCE      Opinion

How to write an opinion essay (blog)              Practice writing (fill in the gaps)